How to Replicate a MongoDB Database From Remote to Local
Here is a simple script to backup a MongoDB remote database and restore it locally.
#!/bin/bash HOST="" PORT="1337" REMOTE_DB="myremote" LOCAL_DB="mylocal" USER="giraffe" PASS="7hIs15MyPa5s" ## DUMP THE REMOTE DB echo "Dumping '$HOST:$PORT/$REMOTE_DB'..." mongodump --host $HOST:$PORT --db $REMOTE_DB -u $USER -p $PASS ## RESTORE DUMP DIRECTORY echo "Restoring to '$LOCAL_DB'..." mongorestore --db $LOCAL_DB --drop dump/$REMOTE_DB ## REMOVE DUMP FILES echo "Removing dump files..." rm -r dump echo "Done."
And that’s it. Dumping and restoring MongoDB databases really is that easy. If you have any questions leave them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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