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This is where I write about life, programming, and other interests.

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🚅 Next Stop, Yaak
• 3 min read

📣 I'm excited to announce my return to indie development to pursue Yaak! I thought I'd take some time to expound on this decision because there are several reasons it could be a terrible idea:
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🪴 Home-Grown Web Analytics
• 5 min read

Website analytics tools are complicated—and usually expensive. Sure, Google Analytics is free but it requires you to donate your user's behavior data to help Google's ad business. Yuck! Luckily, around the time GDPR was introduced, a handful of developers got to work and created some privacy-focused alternatives.
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⛰️ 2022 Recap: Getting Physical
• 3 min read

It's interesting looking back on 2022 because so much of what I did lacked a unifying goal. The Original Goal was to grow my side-project portfolio and eventually return to self-employment, but that simply didn't happen. Instead, I leaned into other things and found new interests to explore!
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☄️ Accomplish Big Things
• 2 min read

Every now and again I sit down with some colored pencils and a reference photo, and try my best to mimic a photocopier. On its face this seems like an extremely difficult thing to do, but I discovered how to cheat. 🦹🏼‍♂️
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📊 Work Less, Do More
• 3 min read

March 22nd marked my first anniversary at Railway—the first job I had after being indie for 5 years. As I touched on in my 2021 Year in Review, it's been a struggle. Fortunately, I'm in a much better place now and I'd love to share a few things that helped get there.
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🗓 2021 Recap: Reprioritization
• 3 min read

It's hard to revisit my 2020 Review and not get bummed out. This year didn't include nearly as many large changes and I struggled a lot personally. As a result, however, I tried a lot of new things and learned an extremely important lesson.
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🗓 2020 Recap: Life Shuffle
• 4 min read

It's wacky how much my life changed in 2020. I quit my job, moved out of the city, and restarted my career as an indie developer. My partner and I bought our first house and car, inherited 9 chickens, and got a dog! I went from being stressed and tired to creative and free.
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👨🏼‍💻 Going Indie, Again
• 2 min read

📣 I'm excited to announce that today is my last official day working on Insomnia—the indie project I started in 2014, grew to $20k MRR, then Sold to Kong in July of 2019. 🙌🏻
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👔 Quit With Positivity
• 6 min read

There have been many times I've quit for the wrong reasons, either because things got too hard or I was afraid. But there were also times I've quit for the right reasons as a means to get somewhere better.
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🌁 Unlimited Potential
• 3 min read

Dad was there for sure. I don't remember if Mom was but I'm sure she was too—probably by the house, watching anxiously, ready to cover her eyes when it happened. She never did get used to watching me do dangerous things.
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