Ubuntu Unity Multitouch Gestures
I recently discovered that Unity supports multitouch gestures. I had already known about using a three finger drag to move a window, but there are more. The Ubuntu Wiki has a list of all of the supported gestures. The supported gestures include the following:
Just Bought a Kobo Glo
I've been curious about e-readers for a while now and finally decided to pick one up. Apparently Adobe Digital Editions works under Wine on Linux so I should be able to export all of my existing Google Books purchases. Don't disappoint me Kobo!
Macbook Air Colemak Keyboard Layout Adventure
I just spent about half an hour moving the keys around on my Macbook Air to mirror the Colemak keyboard layout. I've been typing in Colemak for about a year and a half now and thought it was time to violate my Air. I scraped the nubs off the "F" and "J" keys and added temporary nubs (some reflective tape) to the "T" and "N" keys until ...
Simple Blog 1.1.0 Adds More Config Options and RSS Feed
RSS has been something I've been wanting to add to Simple Blog for a while now and finally implemented it. It was easy to set up using the node-rss module and the whole update only took one or two hours to complete. You can check out the pull request if you're curious. Along with RSS, I also added a few more config options which are de...
How to Use JQuery on an External Web Page With NodeJS
I recently started a new project that scrapes certain web pages looking for content changes. There are a few Node modules designed for this purpose, and for my first attempt I chose to use jsdom. Jsdom worked great, but it needed a certain version of Python to be installed, which caused problems when running on Nodejitsu. I ended up sw...
The Standing Desk Experiment Has Begun!
A few days ago I decided to put a few cardboard boxes on my desk I could stand up and work. There has been a lot of talk on the internet recently about the benefits of standing desks and it's fairly obvious that not sitting down for twelve hours a day is good for you.
How to Install Ubuntu 12.10 on a Macbook Air
tl;dr – Just check out the tutorial.
An Overwhelming Reception
I published the framework for this blog as an NPM package 12 days ago and according to NPM it has already reached over 100 downloads. Thanks to everyone who's tried it out so far and I hope you like it!
Install Node.js on Ubuntu Server With PPA
Here is a quick tip that would have saved me a couple of hours while installing Node.js on Ubuntu Server 12.04. I wanted to install Node from a repository instead of a tarball for convenience but couldn't figure out why apt-get wasn't giving Node v0.6. instaed of v0.8.. I followed the official tutorial which tells you to do the following: