The Perfect Static Website Generator Is the One You Write Yourself

• 5 min read

There are many static website generators out there (see This post is to explain why I chose to write my own generator instead of using an off-the-shelf solution.

What is a Static Website Generator?

A static website generator is typically a command line tool that takes a directory of files, performs operations on them, and then writes the output to a build directory. The build directory is usually deployed to a static website host such as Github Pages or Amazon S3.

Here are some examples of operations that a static generator might perform:

  • render template logic
  • parse and convert Markdown to HTML
  • run CSS preprocessors
  • compress or resize images
  • compile, minify, and concatenate JavaScript

This is just a short list of some of the operations a static generator might be required to do but there is much more that could be added to that list, including use-case-specific functionality.

It was not too long ago that I found myself with my own use case for a static generator. Here is the process I went through along with the conclusions I made along the way…

Finding the Perfect Generator for Me

I spent a long time researching static generators. I was looking for one built on NodeJS that supported a Jinja-like template language. I found a couple that could have worked, but none were perfect. There was always that one little thing missing that I couldn’t do without. No matter how hard I looked I couldn’t find one for me. It made me sad.

There are so many ways to implement features of a static generator. Look at templating, for example. Let’s say I’m writing a generic static website generator expecting many people to use it. I’ll probably pick the template language that the most people will like. If there is enough demand I might add a few more, but that’s a lot of work.

The problem is that there are literally hundreds of template languages in the world, making it impossible for a generator to support all of them. If I do happen find a generator that supports my desired templating language then what are the chances that it will also support SASS and CoffeeScript, have support for image compression, and be compatible with my specific work flow? Basically zero.

One static generator that caught my eye was Metalsmith, written by the good folks at Segment. Matalsmith is essentially a plugin system for generating static websites which means it uses plugins to do almost everything. When I saw Metalsmith I got excited. I knew it could find a plugin for most things and then write my own plugins if needed for more specific functionality. That’s when it hit me.

Fuck plugins. I’ll just write my own generator.

Just Write Your Own

Static generators read, transform, and write files. The read and write steps are trivial to implement and the transform step can usually be done by calling a third-party module.

So, if I can write a simple script to read and write files from a source directory to a build directory, I should be able to easily plug code in between to do transformations. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how easy it actually was.

To help get my point across, here is a simplified static generator written in a few lines of Python:

""" a simple static website generator """

for file in directory.getFilesRecursively():

    # render Markdown
    if file.extension == '.md':
        bodyContent = renderMarkdown(

    # compile SASS
    elif file.extension == '.scss':
        bodyContent = compileSass(

    # compress images
    elif file.extension in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']:
        bodyContent = compressImage(

    # leave alone (HTML files, JavaScript, etc)
        bodyContent =

    # render the template
    renderedContent = templateLibrary.render(bodyContent)

    # write the file to the build directory
    buildPath = file.path.replace('/source', '/build')
    writeFile(buildPath, renderedContent)

There are a few things missing but making this code actually work isn’t hard. The hardest part is be picking modules and reading module documentation, which is exactly what I would of had to do if I used Metalsmith except I wouldn’t get the enjoyment of hacking on something on my own.

Advice to You

So after all of this, I have built a working static site generator in NodeJS. The code is up on Github but I don’t recommend using it. I think the total line count for version zero was around ~500 lines of code but it’s gone up since then from added features. I’m also currently in the process of breaking the code up into components to make it a bit more maintainable.

And finally, here is my advice to you:

def shouldWriteOwnStaticGenerator(person):
    if person.isPickyAboutTech():
        return "Yes"
        return "Use Jekyll"

Thanks for reading, and feel free to reach out if you want to chat about cool tech stuff.

Bonus: What a Generator Shouldn’t Do

I know some people might be reading this thinking, but a static generator also does blank. You are correct. Some static generators do other things as well, but most of these other things can and should be done with other tools. Here are some examples:

Serve and Live-Reload the Build Directory

I wrote mine using a simple file-watching library combined with a simple static web server, but you Grunt for this (tutorial) as well.

Deploying Build Directory

If you’re using Github Pages then you just use Git to deploy. If you are using Amazon S3 or something similar, you can usually find a module that will let you write a deploy script in a couple lines of code.

Draft/Publish Workflows

This is what Git is for. Just create a new branch. Boom! Draft support.

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