How to Root Nexus 7 (2013) in Linux
I found a great XDA post showing how to root the new Nexus 7 (2013) on Windows, so I made some slight modifications and got it working from my Linux terminal. Here's what I did:
Code Replay Embeddable Widget
The following shows a sample of an embedded Code Replay.
Rethinking the Programming Tutorial
I got sick of posting lengthy programming tutorials so I sat down and tried to come up with a more condensed way to do things. I concluded that programming tutorials usually follow this pattern:
Shit! I Broke My Nexus 4
I was in a hurry ― sandwich in one hand, phone and drink in the other. It was a hot afternoon and I hadn't eaten anything that day. I was starving. An ongoing notification on my phone was irking me. I needed to check it. Why don't I have three hands! I thought to myself while walking to my next class. My mouth is like a hand isn't it?
Strive to Be Abnormal
If you've ever taken statistics, you know that normal is never the best. If you were to plot out the average person's feeling about life, normal would be right in the middle between depression and happiness. Statistically, this means that if you strive to be normal you will never experience happiness to its full potential.
Genymotion - Finally, a Good Android Emulator for Linux
The emulator can be found at
Saying "Yes" to a 240 Ft² Apartment
It has been three weeks since moving into my new apartment. It is a small 12ft by 20ft bachelor located in the neighbourhood of James Bay Victoria. The main living space takes up half of the small rectangle, leaving in the other half, a kitchen nook and small bathroom. Living in a small space has changed me for the better and this is h...
🦉 My First Mugging
Tonight, something happened to me that I will undoubtedly remember for ever; I was mugged. For those of you that are interested, this is what happened...
Follow These Apps – App Changelogs in RSS
Last September a small team and I started ForkJoy. ForkJoy is a web and mobile app that lets you search/review/photograph restaurant menus. As you probably know already, there are a lot of similar apps in this space. As developers, the only way to keep track of dozens of competing apps is to install each of them and check the changelo...
Make Catleap Monitor Work With Nvidia Drivers in Ubuntu
In short, read this forum thread.