The Sad State of In-Game Ads
With every passing day, the state of advertising worsens — specifically in mobile games. Today, one app took it too far. This is my story:
How to Root Nexus 5 in Linux
I just bought a Nexus 5 today and wanted to root it. I tried running the following script without success. I kept getting the following error:
Simple Vanilla JavaScript Typing Carousel
Last night I worked on a simple JavaScript plugin that rotates snippets of text periodically. Here is a sample of it in action:
Check If a Website Can Be Embedded in an IFrame With Node.js
I've been working on a new project recently that requires previewing external web pages in an iframe. This feature is not always possible though because websites can prevent themselves from showing in iframes by setting the x-frame-options header. Since there is no way to get around this rule, the only option is to detect whether the w...
Platform Pixels – My First Ever Game
I've been working on a 2D platformer called Platform Pixels for a while now and realized I had not yet written about it.
How to Scrape a Web Page With Node.js
Even though web APIs are becoming more common, it is still common to find a service you want to get data from but can't because the data is not easily accessible. Web scraping is a last-resort technique that requires programatically extracting the required data from a webpage's raw HTML. This tutorial will cover how to download and tra...
How to Replicate a MongoDB Database From Remote to Local
Here is a simple script to backup a MongoDB remote database and restore it locally.
Generalize Routes in Express Using Closures
If you've ever built a website using Node.js and Express then you've probably had to do something similar to the following snippet:
How to Root Nexus 7 (2013) in Linux
I found a great XDA post showing how to root the new Nexus 7 (2013) on Windows, so I made some slight modifications and got it working from my Linux terminal. Here's what I did: